pix4dmatic FOR collision reconstruction & forensics

Wheat Ridge, CO  |  May 7-9, 2024


MAY  2024
3  Days  |  $995
8 AM – 4 PM


This 3-day course will provide attendees with the necessary
instruction to successfully process a crash or crime scene using
aerial photogrammetry with Pix4Dmatic software. This training
provides a “crash/crime scene to courtroom” workflow utilizing
Pix4Dmatic generated ortho-mosaic images and point cloud data
in third party crash reconstruction and forensic software. Use of
the Pix4Dcatch mobile application and the Pix4Dcapture Pro flight
planning application will be covered. This course consists of
classroom lectures, hands on work projects and field exercises.

Course includes a 30 day full access Pix4Dmatic license for each

Each attendee is required to bring his or her own laptop
computer. Acceptable laptop specifications are available here (scroll to the Pix4D Hardware Requirements section).



Fill out the form below to register.

Register Now

  • Pix4D Training – Wheat Ridge, CO I May 7-9
  • $0.00
  • Configuration Required: To use the Square field, please configure your Square Settings.